One of the cool hairstyles for men which you can check in this article is the faux hawk hairstyles. This hairstyle is the modern form of the former Mohawk hairstyle that you’ve already known before. The faux hairstyles have more innovative forms that can captivate women’s heart in a second and will make you really proud of your own performance in front of them. You can apply the faux hawk or also be called with fohawk hairstyles by cutting your sides and back hair shorter than other parts of your hair. Then the remaining hair can be styled by using gel, mousse or other styling products that can help to style the shape of your hair just like the one you desired. The look of this fohawk hairstyle is so cool and also practical since it only needs gel or comb to make the performance of the fohawk hairstyle look perfectly flawless. As you have considered, the fohawk hairstyle can also be included in the short hairstyles since it has the short length to be exposed as the remaining hair. This hairstyle will perfectly make your performance look so great.