The cool hairstyles are not only laying to the short hairstyles options, the Asian hairstyles for men also have a big part in it too. It has become a great hairstyle since many men really like to use the Asian hairstyle to make their performance look trendy. The razor cut and layers have brought the Asian haircut into its highest era and made men all over the world look fabulous in front of the girls. Not that their face shapes don’t have any influences in making their performance look great. It also has a big effect too since the way you choose your hairstyle is also depending on how your face shape is structured. The wrong face shape can require the different hairstyle to make it look incredible. If you once combined the inappropriate hairstyle to the wrong face shape it will turn out badly in your overall appearance. This is exactly a trivial thing yet you should pay much attention about it to get the perfect look of your appearance.